Calmdog®: Helps Dogs Cope With External Stress

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Calmdog® is the most effective naturalall-purpose, cannabis-free calming supplement for dogs on the market today.

Developed by our team of board-certified veterinarians and perfected through rigorous laboratory testing, our proprietary formulas work naturally on your dog's body and mind. GABA receptors, alleviating situational anxiety, relaxing nerves in high-stress environments, and settling hyperactive & neurotic behavior common in younger and older dogs. 

Common examples of occasional use:

  • Visits to the groomer or veterinarian
  • Airplanes or car travel
  • Fireworks and loud noises
  • Hardwood floors

Common examples of regular (daily) use:

  • Separation anxiety,
  • Hyperactivity/high-energy
  • Old age (paranoia/agitation)
  • Office and work environments
  • And so much more!

Recommended for dogs exhibiting nervousness, hyperactivity, discontentment, or responding to environmentally-induced stresses. Calming aids for dogs help to maintain contentment during separation, travel, and tension caused by changes in your pet's daily routine.

Dogs experience stress and anxiety just like you do! Why make them suffer? Get Calmdog® today and your four-legged fur-friend will thank you.